Migration Project

Research in the Humanities: Investigations in Global Migration

Dear Students
from India, Poland, and the USA,

Thank you for accepting our invitation to participate in the research project, “Research in the Humanities: Investigations in Global Migration.” Our pri mary objectives are for you to demonstrate that you can investigate migration stories, artwork, and contextualize them through academic research . Examples and supporting documents were developed through Wayne Community College with Deniz Tuck (Assessing Sources handout) and with a partnership with the Center for Middle Eastern Studies and through World View at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. 

Students in each group already understand the essentials of each piece of this project. Some have spent the semester evaluating sources and condu cting academic research, others have studied the geographic flows that come through economic, cultural, and political migration policies. By grouping you together, we are leveraging the wisdom of team. The Foundation of Wayne Community College has funde d a grant that would allow us to partner you together using the Clifton Stre ng ths Finders for Students method , a model that identifies valuable collaborative traits that you can use to describe yourself as you apply for university admission, academic schol arships, internships, and employment.

Schools and Teachers

Allyson Daly

Author and Coordinator of the Project

Wayne Community College, Goldsboro, NC, US

Mamta Kumar

Deputy Dean Student Welfare
Senior Geography Teacher, teaching class 11 and 12
Delhi Public School Gurgaon, India

Anna Krzemińska-Kaczyńska

Deputy Head School Engagements
IBDP Geography Teacher
VIIIPALO, IB World School 006265, Kraków, Poland

Avni Mehta

PGT History
Delhi Public School Gurgaon, India

read more about our Teachers

of module

This global module will balance the social sciences and the humanities to show how an interdisciplinary approach to migrationreveals human experiences and choiceswithinsystemic international forces.

“. . . and when she went out it seemed to her that she too had migrated, that everyone migrates, even if we stay in the same houses our whole lives, because we can’t help it. We are all migrants through time.”

Exit West, Mohsin Hamid

Global Learning Activities


In international collaborative teams, to investigate human migration in a selected pair of countries.


To evaluate credible sources and conduct research using MLA documentation.


To consider diverse perspectives—academic, artistic and narrative.


To communicate ideas through a podcast using MLA documentation.


To showcase student work in a public forum.


After researching a selected pair of countrie s ’ immigration policies, stories of immigrants who traveled there, and art th at represents those stories, international groups of students will create podcasts to synthesize these sources into a cohesive narrative that contextualizes the arts with the social sciences. Students will use MLA documentation.

Student Global
Learning Outcomes

Activity 1: Take the Strengths Finders for Students test

Completed by Saturday, April 3


  • to investigate human migration through a selected pair of countries.
  • To evaluate credible sources and conduct research using MLA documentation.
  • To consider diverse perspectives — academic, artistic and narrative.


Make a first contact with your group using the contact information below. I have used the emails you provided, but the group may establish its own ways of communicating that work best for the members. 

I placed all students into groups by balancing out your strengths by domains. The four domains are execution (these people know how to make things happen), influencing (these people help their team reach a much broader audience), relationship buildingre (these people are the essential glue that often holds a group together), and strategic thinking (these people keep the team focused on what could be , often facilitating stronger decision making ). All the strengths provide value to the group. Some of you have all four regions in your top five and others have clusters of strengths in the same domain. 

As you connect with each other, you may wish to share your strengths to see how your team thinks and approaches projects. For example, some group members may be strong in the execution domain, but one of them may be an achiever, and the other may be motivated by a sense of responsibility. It is really interesting to watch people’s strengths a work.

Group 1






Group 2






Group 3






Group 4






Group 5






read more about Students

Activity 2: Research


  • To set up groups students with balanced strengthson collaborative, international teams


Step 1:  Choose your own pair of countries with a flow of push and pull factors between them OR select from these pairs…

Research their immigration flows.

Step 2:  Then search for an expression of the human story of migration in the arts.  Artistic forms which could include aspects of the journey could be…

Step 3:  Search for stories of migration told from the people who migrated or who  work in migration.  Aspects of their stories could include… 

Contextualize these stories through your research.

Australia/ India or China

Paintings from fine arts to murals

Of causes of leaving the home country (push and pull factors)

Afghanistan/ Pakistan

Sculpture, often in public spaces, could include a representation of a diaspora

Of the migration journey itself

Brazil/ Japan

Drama from plays to film

Encountering different beliefs and how that was resolved

China/ Countries in Africa

Literature, from poetry, short stories to novels

Integration in the new society

India/ Bangladesh?


Of the effects of migration–environmentally, economically, politically, religiously, or socially

Israel/ Former Soviet Bloc Countries, like Russia and the Ukraine


Positive changes

Republic of Ireland/Poland


Economic growth that comes from migration

Saudi Arabia/Philippines


Communication strategies



Organizations or NGOs

United States of America/Mexico

Museums or places that honors migrants

How is success in the new country defined, for example some countries have “rags to riches stories”?

Examples of artwork
that highlights aspects of the migration story


“Lament for Syria” poem by Amineh Abou Kerech (14 years old)



Persepolis (2007) based on the novel by Marjane Satrapi

Follow Up

Set a time to gather together to share what you have found and plan how you will execute the podcast.  Send your country selections to us, your teachers, so that we do not have too much overlap.   

Activity 3: Creating Your Podcast


  • To synthesize the research and collaborative experience into a cohesive whole.
  • To showcase student work in a public forum
  • To communicate ideas through a podcast using MLA documentation


Podcasts are an intimate form of media.  Often people listen to podcasts when they are driving, at home, or at work, most often alone. 

  1. A podcast contains central elements, including a main idea, a narrator, music, audio sounds to enhance the storytelling, an editor, etc.Look below on National Public Radio’s (NPR) guide for students.  Often an image is prominently displayed

    Criteria for good podcasts include a unifying idea, describing things well that the audience can’t see, speaking clearly, not speaking too fast, checking for a clear recording, and modulating the voice so that the audience stays interested.  Every person on the team should be heard during some part of the podcast.

    Starting Your Podcast: A Guide for Students from NPR

  1. Check additional podcast examples

    Good Morning, Kafranbel: This American Life episode

    Refugee’s Stories Podcast:

    “Deporting Ottoman Americans” by Ottoman History Podcast: http://www.ottomanhistorypodcast.com/p/doa.html

Follow Up

Student work will be posted on a landing page that will credit each educational institution so that students’ work is showcased.

Students will also earn a certificate of completion for this project!  Thank you for your contribution.  Our aim is to provide opportunities for you to investigate complex issues with integrity using academic conventions as well as to identify, use, and sharpen your talents.  We look forward to working with you.


Group 1

Mexico and the United States

Hello everyone! Welcome to our podcast. Our topic of discussion is about the phenomenon of migration and specifically case study of two countries – USA and Mexico. An array of topics are covered in our podcast: factors involved in migration; the policies that shaped the flow and its effects; artwork by people and stories of people who have experienced migration. We hope you will enjoy hearing our podcast and learn something new in the process.

Group 2

Israel and Palestine

In our documentary film we are raising the issue of the Israeli – Palestinian conflict and it’s impact on forced migration between these two countries.

We explain the roots and history of the conflict, the help provided to the migrants by the UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency), the migration laws and the socio – economic situation of the refugees. Beginning with Palestinian Exodus of 1948, 85% of the Palestinian Arabs fled or were expelled from their homes, followed by a series of laws passed by the first Israeli government that prevented Arabs from returning to their homes or claiming their property. The refugee status has been tou gh since the exodus. The Palestinian refugees settled camps throughout the Arab world. The Arab League instructed its members to deny Palestinians citizenship ‘to avoid dissolution of their identity and protect their right of return to their homeland’, whi ch made their conditions gruesome. The Palestinian socioeconomic crisis has now reached a breaking point.

We have focused a significant part of our presentation on personal stories of migrants. We discuss the stories of children, of a family, of a expect ant mother and an elderly citizen, all of whom had to migrate due to the conflict. We’ve drawn a comparison between migrants and refugees to deepen our understanding of this project. What we’ve recognised through this project is our privilege and how we c an use it to help those less fortunate especially during trying times. We firmly believe that in today’s day and age, giving shouldn’t be a choice anymore but a way of living .

Migration documentary

Group 3

China and South Africa

Greetings! This podcast is a reflection of our thoughts on migration. Through this presentation one can learn about the migration trends, the push and pull factors, cultural differences, racial tension and the struggles of migrants in South Africa.The highlight of the podcast is the real life response s from a native South African and even some Chinese migrants in South Africa along with a self composed poem and an original piece of artwork as the cover of the podcast!

Group 4

Syria and Germany

Hello listeners! Have you ever wondered what makes people leave their homeland and move to a foreign land altogether? What makes them change their enti re lifestyle? How do they adjust to a drastically new environment and culture with new people that converse in unfamiliar tongues? Our podcast gives you the answer to all these questions and many more! Join us as we trace migration from Syria to Germany wi th real – life stories from migrants and critically analyse the push and pull factors that influence migration.

Group 5

Bangladesh and India

Greetings! Welcome to our podcast! This podcast will give an overview of migration and elaborate on its impact in India and Bangladesh. It will also introduce existing migration laws and potential solutions to the political tension between the nations, religious differences, and drastic effects of climate change. We will introduce a Bangladeshi immigrant and show how experiences like his have been commemorated in filmography. We h ope you enjoy it!

Our project
in numbers




Author and Coordinator of the Project

Wayne Community College, Goldsboro, NC, US

Ms. Daly’s childhood living in Japan, Korea, Panama, Germany and five U. S. States shaped her worldview to be adaptable and curious.  As an educator, she is known for challenging students to give their best while supporting their efforts to do so.  With two decades of experience in multiple learning contexts, she is currently an English instructor at Wayne Community College (WCC). She is a Global Education Leader with UNC-CH World View and is proud to be part of a team who is bringing the North Carolina Scholars of Global Distinction Program to WCC in the fall of 2020. She is also an Ambassador for the Fulbright Teachers for Global Classrooms and an alumni of the Teaching Excellence and Achievement (TEA) Program with the U. S. State Department. She has received many nominations and awards for her teaching and was selected the 2014-15 Wayne County Teacher of the Year.


Kanti Kumar

Deputy Dean Student Welfare
Senior Geography Teacher, teaching class 11 and 12
Delhi Public School Gurgaon, India

A highly qualified teacher, her subject expertise is Geography; holds the post of Deputy Dean Student Welfare, Delhi Public School, Gurgaon; has piloted and been involved with a number of national and international projects; has written and submitted units, i.e. for class XII Geography – CBSE – international Syllabus Text Book, was awarded a fellowship for the Teaching Excellence and Achievement Program (TEA) – a program of the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the U.S. Department of State, implemented by IREX in 2010; with fellow collaborators from Poland and USA were awarded TEA-ILEP Alumni Small Grants; edited a book of short stories – The Power of International Stories: Coming of Age in the Global Village. Powerful in mind and heart.


Deputy Head School Engagements
IBDP Geography Teacher
VIIIPALO, IB World School 006265, Kraków, Poland

Founder and CEO of the WorldLINK Foundation, Deputy Head School Engagements in PACK Schools, International Baccalaureate Geography Teacher, Alumna of the Teaching Excellence and Achievement (TEA) Program at Nebraska University with the U. S. State Department, Ambassador of English Teaching Program in Poland, the board member of the Alumni Association, participated in an outstanding program Vital Voices Chapter of Poland, awarded the Medal of the Commission of Polish National Education and the European Language Label certificate for her service. A global education and travel zealot.


PGT History
Delhi Public School Gurgaon, India

Avni Mehta is an educator working with Delhi Public School, Gurgaon for 8 years. A Masters in History from Lady Sri Ram College for Women, Avni is passionate about History and teaching. She enjoys reading, travelling and exploring new technologies to incorporate in her teaching. Spending quality time with her loved ones and helping her students achieve their goals gives her immense satisfaction. She won the Special Mention in tGELF Education Prize 2018 ‘Creative Classrooms’. Her motto in life is ‘Work towards your dreams and make them a reality.’



Hi! I am Aditi Gupta from Delhi Public School,Gurgaon.I am an avid reader with a passion for script-writing, poetry and painting. Additionally,I am inclined towards sports like tennis, football and swimming. I aspire to become an architect and wish to study in India. Furthermore, I aim to specialise in green architecture.



Hello, my name is Aleksandra Jodłowska. I am a high-school graduate, I studied in the IBDP Programme. Cinematography is my passion, but I am planning on studying fashion in future. I love travelling and meeting new people; films allow me to do it without leaving my home.


My name is Amara Lymuel. I love to listen to music, and I play the trumpet! I am extremely interested in international law and hope to pursue it as a career one day.


Hi! I’m Anisha, a high school senior at Delhi Public School, Gu rgaon. I love working with children and volunteering with non – profit organisations that work in the field of education. My hobbies include baking, reading, understanding feminism and gender equality in greater depths and formulating activities for young le arners. I aspire to work with UNICEF one day and change this world for the better.


AnitaMarie Keys is a student at Wayne Community College in Goldsboro, North Carolina.  She is working on getting her associates degree in science. She hopes to one day become a nurse or open up her own bakery.  She also hopes to help make the world a better and safer place.


Ashlan Hinnant is a  high school student who is currently enrolled as a part-time college student at Wayne Community College. She enjoys writing and learning about places and events around the world. The English 112 course has provided her the fantastic opportunity to participate in the NC Scholars of Global Distinction program, which has allowed her to work with students from Poland and India to create a podcast about migration in Syria and Germany.


Bryson Parks is a volunteer firefighter, small business owner, avid baseball player, and ATV off-roading  enthusiast. He has a passion for flying and hopes to attend the Air Force Academy to major in aerospace engineering with a minor in fire science and become a commissioned pilot within the Air Force after graduation.


Carson Hatem is a full-time student at Wayne Community College. He plans on earning his associates degree in science before transferring to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill to further his education.


Frederick Tarpley is a freshmen at Wayne Community College.  His major is Business Administration with a goal of obtaining an associates degree and then continuing his education at a university and establishing career in his field of choice. With a clear and focused drive, he hopes to create a lasting impact for not only himself, but for those around him.


Hello, my name is Jessica Poirier. I am a freshman at Wayne Community College. I love creative writing, poetry, and music, and I am passionate about my Christian faith. I intend to pursue my bachelor’s in nursing this fall. I strive to ever be learning and ever expanding my collaborative community.


Hi! I am Jyotika Malhotra. I’m a passionate high school senior at Delhi Public School, Gurgaon and my passion displays itself in my dance, art, debate, social work and other stimulating activities. I have keen interest in Economics and aspire to take a degree in it in the future. My motto in life is “Have Courage and Be Kind.”


Katie Wagner is a full time student, planning to study international relations and political science after graduation. She has a passion for learning languages and studying different cultures, and is an active community volunteer and student athlete. Katie enjoys reading, making jewelry, and trying new recipes in her free time.


Hi, I am Krish Khera. I am a High School student at Delhi Public School, Gurgaon. I love to play and watch sports like Basketball, Soccer and Badminton. It gives me great joy to listen to music and to play my synthesizer, music is a stressbuster for me. I aspire to study accountancy and economics in the future


Hello! I’m Kudrat Mehta from Delhi Public School Gurgaon. I am a voracious reader with a keen interest in economics and psychology. I get immense pleasure from volunteering and believe in being compassionate and spreading joy! I love interacting with new people and I’m always on the lookout for new experiences. I aspire to make a difference in my community and the world.


Hi, My name is Liana Chavez-Estrada, and I’m from Goldsboro, North Carolina, USA. I attend Wayne Community College, and I plan on studying to become a Physician’s Assistant at the either the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill or the University of North Carolina at Charlotte after my time at WCC.


Hi my name is Łukasz Klecha, I come from one of the biggest Polish city cal led Krakow. If there is something that I like that must be Geography, Mathematics and video games. I enjoy jogging, listening to the radio and relaxing whilst not having to worry about my school deadlines. I took part in International Migration Project and I must admit – it rocks!


Hi! I am a high school student at Delhi Public School Gurgaon. I have an interest in technology, graphic design, science fiction and anything related to but not limited to computer science. I often play football as well as video games to relax myself. I aspire to become a software/game developer and wish to pursue a career in the IT industry. My motto is “Geeking my way through life.”


I am Olga Oracz and I am a high school senior. I attend IB World School no 006265 in Krakow, Poland. I am passionateabout traveling, exploring different cultures, and meeting new people. In my free time, I enjoy doing calligraphy and lettering. I hope you will enjoy our podcast.


Hi, my name is Olivia Andrews. I was born in England, but I spent most of my childhood in Poland. My main academic interests are biology, psychology and neurobiology. I also enjoy singing, windsurfing, creative writing and drama. I love meeting new people, travelling a n d learning about new cultures. I a m currently preparing for the IB program with hopes to study medicine abroad


H i! I am Paarth Arya from Delhi Public School, Gurgaon. I like to express my creativity through playing the drums and programming. I also enjoy playing chess and listening to music. I aspire to work in the field of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learni ng and to make a difference in this world with my efforts.


Hi! I’m Pranav Bharadwaj, a high school student(class12) of Delhi Public School Gurgaon. I aspire to pursue a career in law. I love to play sports like basketball; pool and athletics. I love to read books: crime, thriller and mystery genre. I also like to sing and I am learning classical carnatic music. Going forward, I would like to be a part of such international projects where I will understand varied views and perspectives across the globe.


Hi! I’m Shrey, a high school senior at Delhi Public School, Gurgaon. As a young tech-aspirant, I intend to study Computer Science; AI and MachineLearning being my forte. I have an affinity for programming, solving complex problems, mathematics and entrepreneurship. I love to dance, bake, debate, cook and contribute towards society.


Hi! I am Tanvi Nagar. I am a high school senior at Delhi Public School, Gurgaon. I love to read mysteries, write poetry, play badminton and do research in psychology and economics. I aspire to study economics and psychology in the future, at my dream college and believe that being kind and compassionate is the best way of life!


Zaida Hinnant is a high school student from Goldsboro, North Carolina. She is currently dually enrolled at Wayne Community College to achieve her associate’s degree in nursing, where she will then transfer to obtain her RN nursing licenses. Zaida enjoys all things to do with the outdoors, including exploring through the woods in her backyard, kayaking, and camping with her friends.


My name is Zosia Godlewska and I am from Kraków, Poland. I am currently studying in the first year of the IB Diploma programme in which I take Geography, History, and Literature as my higher-level courses. I love sports, traveling, and baking, and my biggest passion is swimming. In the future, I want to study law at a university somewhere abroad.

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based in Kraków, Poland.

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