Start / About WorldLINK Foundation
WorldLINK Foundation is a registered educational foundation based in Kraków, Poland.
We connect experienced teachers, professors and world consultants from Europe, America and Asia to provide specialized educational programs for students and educators. Through our friendly and supportive environment, we help students create a successful educational path and make the right decisions.
Our global programs are based on the four domains of global competence described by the Asia Society:
The WorldLINK Foundation provides educational services on a global scale for students, parents, faculty and educators.
Extraordinary stories begin with extraordinary people. As a child from Kujawsko- Pomorskie, a rural part of Poland, Anna Krzemińska-Kaczyńska saw her mother, Jolanta, teach geography and travel to learn about the world, and her father, Zdzisław, a master of interpersonal communication, build trust between himself and his clients. We can imagine a young Anna saying, “I want to do that!” She found the world welcoming her with open arms and so she did!
The Princess Cruises, through its Youth Education Department, provided Anna with the first of many journeys into the world. As a beginning teacher, she was fascinated by many exceptional teachers from all over the world. By observing and learning, she quickly became an effective and sought after educator. She continues to reach the highest levels of achievement in education, including: University Credentials from Poland: University of Gdańsk, English Philology, Teaching English (2004); Academy of Humanities and Economics – Łódź; Masters of Arts, English translation (2006); University of Gdańsk – Subject: teaching Geography (2008); until her most recent recognition, successfully completing the International Research & Exchange Board (IREX) Teaching Excellence and Achievement Program, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, USA (2010), an honorable ambassador of Program English Teaching in Poland; European Language Label certificate signed by the European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport, and the Minister of Education (2009); Medal of the Commission of National Education from Polish Ministry of Education (2018), Most Promising Social Leader, awarded by the European Academy of Diplomacy (EAD) (2018), and recently an alumna of the prestigious mentoring program Vital Voices Chapter in Poland (2019).
In 2009, Anna was selected by the U.S. State Department for the Teaching Excellence and Achievement Program (TEA) to study with other international teachers. At the University of Nebraska, Lincoln, she met lifelong mentors like Professor Joe McNulty, and lifelong partners and friends, like Mamta Kanti Kumar, from India. This pattern of person-to-person diplomacy became the hallmark of their teaching and their friendship. She also became the Honorary Citizen of the Great State of Nebraska. Over the next ten years, students from the Navrachana International School and Delhi Public School in India and VIII PALO International Baccalaureate School 006265 in Kraków (Poland) traveled back and forth 12 times through study visits where students interacted face to face. Sometimes, students were hosts, where they learned how to lead and guide guests through their country. At other times, they were guests, where they learned how to represent their country’s values abroad. In both cases, they became ambassadors of intercultural diplomacy.
In 2011, Anna wrote grants to host teachers from the United States, which is how she first met Allyson Daly, who traveled to Poland to teach, provide professional development and help contribute to Images of International Teaching Excellence Achievement (TEA) Teachers and their Students, a resource written by international U.S. State Department teaching grant recipients for a worldwide audience. Thus, began a pattern of written and oral literacy projects and professional development that has spanned nine countries over four continents – The Power of International Stories: Coming of Age in the Global Village, which featured students’ writing from nine countries, under guidance from Allyson Daly, edited by Mamta Kanti Kumar, Julia Perlowski, Anna Krzemińska-Kaczyńska and Kashmeera Jaiswal; a jointly published article, “A World within Arm’s Reach at Academic High School (VIIIPALO, IB World School 006265) in Kraków,” which appeared in Tools for Cross–curricular Education and Achievement Program; and a DVD, A Good Person, Speaking Well: Teaching Debate Collaboratively across Three Continents. Bringing students to International Summits at Pompano Beach High School, Florida became an expected trip every January. High schools in California and the U.S. Youth Leadership Program round out a network of connections built over time in the United States.
In 2014, over a warm cup of chai latte in a cozy book cafe in Kraków, Anna had a fortuitous tête-à-tête with Natasha Sharma about education across the globe. This led to a partnership to provide excellent global education, further strengthening their friendship, as Natasha agreed to bring her expertise in business (owing to her tenure at Siemens & other corporates) to the WorldLINK Foundation’s advisory council.
In 2018, Anna’s vision brought together people with a wide variety of talents and accomplishments as well as a shared passion and commitment towards global education to formulate the WorldLINK Foundation. The Pikulski family have brought their academic expertise from Jangiellonian University: Engineering PhD, Andrzej Pikulski has agreed to serve as our able Council of Advisors Chair. Professor Barabara Michalak Pikulska and son Alexander Pikuski, youth advisor, will bring their analytical minds and experience to the advisor’s table as well. Natasha Sharma, who comes from a family of academics who direct their own educational institutions, has spent a considerable time in the corporate sector. She brings business communication acumen, strategic thinking and leadership expertise to our organization. Allyson Daly is an Ambassador for the Fulbright Teachers for Global Classrooms and Global Education Leader with the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s World View Program and is proud to be part of a team who is bringing the North Carolina Scholars of Global Distinction Program to Wayne Community College in the fall of 2020. Mariana Nadolska brings state of the art technological know-how to our foundation and helps us arrange scholarships in the medical fields for our students. Mamta Kanti Kumar provides much needed human connections in our endeavors and also facilitates the Corporate Social Responsibility projects in India for us. Our vision is to transform your children into tomorrow’s resilient and ethical leaders.
From Don Allen of the English Touring Theater Company to Vital Voices Chapter Poland, business leaders have supported the growth of our foundation. Well-respected foundations and institutions of higher learning have supported our growth and the growth of students under our leadership including the Kościuszko Foundation Language and Culture Initiative (New York), the European Academy of Diplomacy (Poland), Digital University Foundation (Poland), Alumni Association (Poland), the Polish-American Freedom Foundation, and the Nidzica Development Foundation NIDA.
In many ways, our last ten years have been preparation for this moment. In this global pandemic, has the world ever had so much in common? Has there ever been a greater need for us to build knowledge across borders while still protecting home? Have we ever needed more wisdom to differentiate between what is truly a threat, what is benign, what is beneficial or what may be a combination of these? This young generation will face the greatest challenges of our “shrinking” world, such as climate change, benefits and competition from artificial intelligence (AI), news of questionable credibility, and resource shortages. We believe that preparing students for these challenges early is the best solution to make them ready and resilient for the new era.
With our partners’ support and WorldLINK Foundation’s efforts, here we all are, international businessmen and women, civic managers, community organizers, university professors, school principals, and educators at all levels from around the world. We are a collection of leaders who have come together through personal relationships because we trust and believe in our vision of a global world that transcends the barriers of country, culture and skill set. We have come to this enterprise because the work is noble, challenging, inspirational, and dynamic. This is our story, our dream; these are our reasons for forming the WorldLINK Foundation. Come and join us. Live this dream!
Our story would be incomplete without mentioning visionary Professor Jerzy Waligóra, Founder and Director Principal of VIII PALO International Baccalaureate School 006265 in Kraków, who has been so supportive of our initiatives. Professor Jerzy Waligóra has been the epitome of brilliance and courage as he acted on the faith of new ideas that have changed the face of Polish education. As a Professor of Polish Literature, he dared to dream of bringing outstanding quality of education to Polish students. He did so not only for them, but also for students from all over the world. Professor Jerzy Waligóra has been a leader par excellence. No wonder VIII PALO International Baccalaureate School 006265 in Kraków is today one of Poland’s top-rated high schools.
Pompano Beach High School (PBHS), a magnet school helmed by Principal Hudson Thomas, holds a prominent place in our story. Our heartfelt thanks goes to Julia Perlowski, who used to be a teacher at PBHS (currently working as the Theatre Specialist at Boston Public Schools), whom Anna met in India through a U. S. State Department program for teachers and through whom the road to PBHS was paved. Principal Hudson Thomas, by inviting teachers and students from China, Japan, India, Haiti, Brazil, The Republic of Ireland, and Poland, gave these participants an opportunity to enhance their knowledge about the United States and to develop cultural awareness in the fields of technology, international affairs, education and globalization. Through the years, he has been a special advocate and friend, entrusting Anna with many more trips for the students from VIII PALO, International Baccalaureate School 006265 to the USA. Later, a student delegation from PBHS in turn visited Poland.
A team of highly dedicated faculty and staff at PBHS ensures the seamless running of the International summit with the utmost hospitality, including, but not limited to Jill Narus Samaroo, Loralyn Carlson, Lisa Spencer and Colonel Gregory N. Johnson. During these summits our Polish students learned valuable leadership skills from the U.S. Army JROTC PBHS Tornado Battalion. Aleksander Pikulski, who now serves on the WorldLINK Foundation, was awarded the honorary rank of Cadet Lieutenant Colonel, US Army JROTC Tornado Battalion Ambassador. As of today, PBHS has enlarged its original summit from three to fifteen because of the dedication of Principal Thomas and his team of able teachers. We thank all of them and their community for their unconditional hospitality towards the entire world. PBHS made sure that the United States of America opened the doors to their homes and a space in their hearts to welcome us all in earnest.
India: The Navrachana International School, Vadodara, under the amazing guidance of Principal Theo D’Souza and Anagha Pathak, as well as Principal Bijoya Baksi and Kashmira Jaiswal from Vadodara, Gujarat, India; Delhi Public School Gurgaon, professionally directed by Director Principal Aditi Misra, Dean of Student Welfare Sapna Dhawan- thank you! Because of you Anna fell in love with India.
The United States of America: The U. S. Youth Leadership Program with Adina Escarsega, Allen Blanchard, Shirley Newell Blanchard, and Helen Blanchard of California; Denise Ghiloni, Teaching Excellence Achievement (TEA) Alumni; from Pompano Beach High School under the generous leadership of Principal Hudson Thomas, global leader Julia Perlowski, Jill Narus Samaroo and PBHS Teachers.
Nepal: The Malpi International School in Nepal, where under the guidance of Jyoti Man Sherchan, Executive Director cum Principal, the amazing teachers and students produce a play for the world, to encourage a genuine love of learning. This collaborative effort, while notable as enjoyable and worthwhile, has earned the school the 2020 “Outstanding School for Holistic Education” award organized by IESA (International Education Summit and Awards) in Bangkok, Thailand.
Our newest partner, Canada: Author and speaker, Ian Tyson and founder of the Polish Academy, Alina Deja-Grygierczyk, who believe that hearts shape the minds of leadership by engaging students in international travel and service learning.
Our heart, Poland: Justyna Kowalczyk, the program coordinator of the Teaching English Program in Poland; Barbara and Krzysztof Margol, training and monitoring specialists, who connected us to Agnieszka Mazur, a program director from the Polish-American Freedom Foundation, whose inclusive language camps for rural Polish children help them attend competitive high schools. Thank you for being open to Anna`s ideas and for supporting the teachers of English across Poland, who can build innovative and impactful programs for teaching English and gaining international experience. The participation in the Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) course at Gonzaga University in Spokane, Washington State, USA supports the effective implementation of financial projects under the “English Teaching” Program in Poland.
From the Kościuszko Foundation Language and Culture Initiative in New York, (for many years led the camps in Poland by Teresa G. Wójcik and Mary Kay Pieski), which also included many great teachers from the U.S. – Gretchen Espinetti, Mark Steven Allard, Stephanie Pinkston Byers, Dawn Woyak, Piper Byers, Cindy Pieper, Jenna Hagengruber, and great teachers from VIIIPALO, IB World School 006265 in Poland; from the European Academy of Diplomacy (EAD), the 2013 winner “99 Under the Age of 33 Most Influential World Foreign Policy Leaders, Professor Katarzyna Pisarska; from the supportive Vital Voices Chapter Poland of exceptional women including Elżbieta Raczkowska; from Digital University Izabela Bartnicka and from Children’s University Foundation Anna Grąbczewska.
Many people have helped along the way. Thank you to all those who have helped us build the WorldLINK Foundation. You have our sincerest gratitude.
One day with a great teacher is better than a thousand days of diligent study.
WorldLINK Foundation provides access to experienced teachers, trainers and leaders worldwide.
Hudson B. Thomas
Principal, retired
Pompano Beach High School, Florida
Jerzy Waligóra
Professor of Polish Literature
Founder and Director Principal of VIII Prywatne Akademickie Liceum Ogólnokształcące, IB World School 006265 in Kraków
Content Departament
Maria Baczkowska
Instagram Director
Kavya Pasricha
Marketing and Strategy Expert and Manager
Leon Lauterbach
IT Media and Movie Director
The WorldLINK Foundation is an ideal partner to achieve widespread social impact.
We pool the strengths of different stakeholders—civil society, social entrepreneurs, and private companies—through our innovative collaboration models.
We create win-win partnerships that anticipate students` needs and effectively respond to educational challenges.
We wholeheartedly endorse the spirit and work of The WorldLINK Foundation. (...) Three of the WorldLINK mentor teachers are former State Department Teaching Grant recipients. They continue to distinguish themselves in the service of this collaborative endeavor to build understanding between cultures in the service of humanity...
WorldLINK Foundation
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